What if everyone just said 'Nah' to tracking?

What if everyone just said 'Nah' to tracking?

Privacy is nearly dead, but we're not even close to getting over it

Column Sitting quietly in the upper corner of my browser's address bar, a counter rises as Disconnect thwarts requests to track me. Visiting well-behaved sites (such as El Reg), those numbers tick up more slowly.

On others - I won't name and shame, except to note that they're a bit tired - the counter ticks up and over the two digits it can display in the icon. Of this, it's reported that nine were requests for advertising, while more than ninety tried to send data off to "analytics" sites. You know the type: the profilers, the data harvesters, the location-stealers. Big data empire builders who maintain hundreds of millions of individual profiles - then leave them around for
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