What Cybersecurity Professionals Do Versus What Our Coworkers Think We Do

What Cybersecurity Professionals Do Versus What Our Coworkers Think We Do

We’ve probably all seen that “perception versus fact” meme where there’s an assortment of pictures with captions like “what my family thinks I do,” “what my boss thinks I do,” “what I think I do” and “what I actually do.” People’s understanding of what cybersecurity professionals do often bears little resemblance to the reality of what we actually do. This can lead to a number of problems, especially in terms of job security, but there are things you can and should do to correct this.

What Do You Do?

My husband recently told me that it took him about two years to really understand what I do for a living. My parents used to say they thought I played video games for a living when my job was analyzing malware. Many of my coworkers seem to think I’m something of an internet celebrity — probably because my name shows up in public places a lot.

The picture for “what I think I do” would probably be a picture of a superhero anonymously and stealthily saving the day under the cover of darkness. My husband would also choose the “superhero” picture, so clearly my influence on him is working! The picture of “what I actually do,” which tends toward a more self-deprecating view, would probably be one of a person standing on the edge of a chasm and screaming into the void.

I get the sense that a lot of business leaders (especially those who aren’t particularly technical) picture us as wizards who read mystical signs and portents and then cast pronouncements on “correct behavior.” When requirements seem as inscrutable as superstitions, this doesn’t necessarily bode well for our continued employment, especially if misfortune befalls the c ..

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