What could possibly go wrong? Sublet your home broadband to strangers who totally won't commit crimes

What could possibly go wrong? Sublet your home broadband to strangers who totally won't commit crimes

In-depth The latest passive income trend, we're told by Lithuania-based internet biz IPRoyal, is internet sharing, a term that here means "subletting" or "reselling."

And "passive income," of course, refers to getting paid without doing anything, a concept that may sound appealing but generally glosses over potential costs.

Launched in January, IPRoyal pays residential internet users in exchange for "sharing" their internet service, something many internet service providers like Sonic Internet [PDF] and Comcast prohibit in their terms of service. And it sells access to that bandwidth to customers seeking proxy services.

Other companies, like PacketStream and Packity, both based in Los Angeles, and Belarus-based Honeygain run similar businesses: proxy networks that let ..

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