What a Joe Biden Presidency Means for Cybersecurity

What a Joe Biden Presidency Means for Cybersecurity

Active Defense & Deception , Critical Infrastructure Security , Cyberwarfare / Nation-State Attacks

A Renewal of Obama-Era Approaches is Likely Jeremy Kirk (jeremy_kirk) • November 9, 2020     President-elect Joe Biden when he announced his candidacy in May 2019. (Photo: Michael Stokes via Wikimedia/CC)

President-elect Joe Biden's approach to cybersecurity will likely take a tack similar to that of his old boss, former President Barack Obama. That could include increased pressure on Russia, greater White House involvement in cybersecurity and a tighter organizational structure.

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The integrity of voting was of primary concern in the weeks leading up to the election, but cybersecurity was hardly mentioned on the campaign trail itself. That's understandable in part: The COVID-19 pandemic, a devastated economy, tense race relations and President Donald Trump's re-election efforts have taken center stage.

But there are some clues to how Biden's administration will take on looming cybersecurity challenges as well as manage aggressive adversaries. Biden has confronted Russia before over its cyber activity, and its likely his Justice Department will continue to exert judicial pressure on China.

Organizational Revamp

It's possible that Biden's administration will restore some of the organizational cybersecurity structures that Trump's administration excised, says James Lewis, senior vice ..

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