Using Local AI on the Command Line To Rename Images (And More)

Using Local AI on the Command Line To Rename Images (And More)

We all have a folder full of images whose filenames resemble line noise. How about renaming those images with the help of a local LLM (large language model) executable on the command line? All that and more is showcased on [Justine Tunney]’s bash one-liners for LLMs, a showcase aimed at giving folks ideas and guidance on using a local (and private) LLM to do actual, useful work.

This is built out from the recent llamafile project, which turns LLMs into single-file executables. This not only makes them more portable and easier to distribute, but the executables are perfectly capable of being called from the command line and sending to standard output like any other UNIX tool. It’s simpler to version control the embedded LLM weights (and therefore their behavior) when it’s all part of the same file as well.

One such tool (the multi-modal LLaVA) is capable of interpreting image content. As an example, we can point it to a local image of the Jolly Wrencher logo using the following command:

llava-v1.5-7b-q4-main.llamafile --image logo.jpg --temp 0 -e -p '### User: The image has...
### Assistant:'

Which produces the following response:

The image has a black background with a white skull and crossbones symbol.

With a different prompt (“What do you see?” instead of “The image has…”) the LLM even picks out the wrenches, but one can already see that the right pieces exist to do some useful work.

Check out [Justine]’s using local command rename images