Using InsightVM Remediation Projects To Ensure Accountability

Using InsightVM Remediation Projects To Ensure Accountability

One benefit of InsightVM reporting is that it enables security teams to build accountability into remediation projects. There are a number of ways this can be accomplished and the approach you take will be dictated by your organization’s specific structure and needs.

In this blog, we’ll look at two types of console-driven reports and two types of cloud-driven reports (projects). Depending on who will be conducting remediations, you may choose one over the others. We’ll explore why in detail below.

Reporting Prerequisites

Before we can get too deep into reporting, some prerequisites need to be met. Mainly, we need scan data in the InsightVM console. To get scan data, we need to perform at least one site run against at least one asset (preferably with credentials or Scan Assistant) or at least one Insight Agent deployed. Whether agent-driven or traditionally scanned, the data will be in the form of a Site in InsightVM.

We can then organize the Site data into logical filters called Dynamic Asset Groups, or DAGs. We can create DAGs based on numerous filters; the most common filters are ‘OS’ or ‘IP address in the range of.’ Using these types of Dynamic Asset Groups allows us to create both OS and location-based organization of our scan data, which can later be used to scope both reports and query builder.

Remember: Use Sites and Agents to obtain asset and vulnerability data.  Use DAGs and Tags to organize the data.

Recommended Console Reports

Console reports are run from the Reporting link  in the left-hand menu of the InsightVM console. There are two console reports that I recommend to customers. The first is called Top Remediation w/ details.

Top Remedia ..

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