Update iOS Right Now to Fix Some Bad Security Bugs

Update iOS Right Now to Fix Some Bad Security Bugs

Congratulations, the week that somehow lasted four months is finally over. At the time of writing this post, the Associated Press still hadn't called a winner in the United States presidential election. (Donald Trump tried to declare victory early Wednesday morning, but it doesn't work like that. At all.) While you wait, let's get you caught up some security news you might have missed while you were watching maps change color on cable news.

Earlier this week, the cryptocurrency had a mystery on its hands when someone emptied a billion dollars from a bitcoin wallet that had sat untouched for years. (Yes, billion.) The sleuthing was short-lived; it turned out that the IRS had tracked down the wallet's owner after establishing that so-called Individual X had amassed the trove in the first place by hacking the Silk Road seven years ago. It's the biggest cryptocurrency seizure in US history, and it's not even close. Law enforcement also shut down a West Virginia man who was allegedly selling 3D-printed machine gun components—barely disguised as wall hangers—to so-called Boogaloo Boys extremists.

Some privacy strides were made this week in various corners. Zoom has finally added real end-to-end encryption, so we walked through how to turn it on and what you have to give up to do so. WhatsApp added disappearing messages, although with less flexibility than other encrypted platforms give you. And while the presidential race remains in doubt, privacy-friendly ballot init ..

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