Two North American Hospitality Merchants Hit by Payment Infostealer Malware

Two North American Hospitality Merchants Hit by Payment Infostealer Malware

Visa revealed that two unnamed North American hospitality merchants have been infected with some strains of point-of-sale (POS) malware.

US payments processor Visa revealed that two North American hospitality merchants have been hacked, threat actors infected the systems of the two unnamed organizations with some strains of point-of-sale (POS) malware.

According to a security alert published last week, the attacks took place in May and June 2020, respectively.

“In May and June 2020, respectively, Visa Payment Fraud Disruption (PFD) analyzed malware samples recovered from the independent compromises of two North American merchants.” reads the VISA security alert.”In these incidents, criminals targeted the merchants’ point-of-sale (POS) terminals in an effort to harvest and exfiltrate payment card data. Subsequent to analysis, the first attack was attributed to the malware variant TinyPOS, and the second to a mix of POS malware families including RtPOS, MMon (aka Kaptoxa, BlackPOS), and PwnPOS.”

The US payments processor investigated the security breached and provided technical details about the malware employed in the attacks to allow other companies in the hospitality sector to check for the presence of the same threat actors in their networks.

In the May incident, attackers compromised the network a North American hospitality merchant with the TinyPOS POS malware. The attackers targeted the employees at the merchant with a phishing campaign to obtain credentials for user accounts and were able to take ov ..

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