Top Cybersecurity Threats Around the Globe

Cybersecurity threats, risks and challenges vary a lot from one region to the next and one nation to the next. Targets vary based on local resources to exploit. Cyber criminals and nation-state attackers zero in on specific nations, companies and organizations for varying incentives. 

Of course, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated cybersecurity threats. Attackers might launch remote work-enabled attacks or social engineering attacks using COVID-19 fears as the content. The pandemic caused supply chain and economic woes, too. 

Here are the top cybersecurity issues in each corner of the globe today. 


Several African countries have very well-developed mobile digital currency systems with millions of users, such as M-Pesa and MFS Africa. People use these for salaries, groceries and transportation in some countries, especially in Kenya. Gangs attack these systems hoping to steal money from customers. While most global vulnerability assessments worry most about data protection, these mobile digital currency systems worry about money protection. 

The urban coastal regions of Africa also face risk from ransomware attempts on ports. Ports in South Africa, for example, saw shutdowns in the wake of a major cyber attack on one of the ports. 

Regional and international tensions in East Africa and elsewhere engender cyber-spying cybersecurity threats, most recently using Pegasus spyware. As of the end of 2020, some 11 African national governments found Pegasus spyware. They presumed it to be part of spy work from both withi ..

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