Top 5 features of a secure password reset solution

Passwords are the first line of defense when it comes to digital security. For most businesses, each employee is going to have at least one username and password that they need to remember. In many cases, there will be many. This is, of course, is in addition to all of their personal accounts and passwords which are sometimes used on the same device as their work accounts.  

With this in mind, it should come as no surprise that somewhere between 20% and 50% of calls to the helpdesk are related to accounts being locked, or password resets.  

Depending on the size of your organization, this can mean spending a massive amount of your IT budget on simple account management. Finding an effective password reset solution is a great way to minimizing the time spent on resetting passwords, and getting employees back to work. 

Here are the top 5 things you should be on the look out for when you’re shopping for a password reset tool:  

1. Verification of the user during a password reset 

A password reset solution cannot simply unlock an account or change a password automatically or it would defeat the purpose of having account security in the first place. Instead, the system must first verify that the person requesting the unlock or reset is who they claim to be, and then ensure that their account is supposed to be active.  

Tip: Avoid security questions during user verification as they are prone to social engineering. Instead, look for a password reset solution that can verify users via  features secure password reset solution