Threatening within Budget: How WSH-RAT is abused by Cyber-Crooks

Threatening within Budget: How WSH-RAT is abused by Cyber-Crooks
Nowadays malware attacks work like a complex industry based on their own supply chains, data providers, access brokers and craftsmen developing and maintaining intrusion tools. During our monitoring operations we frequently face malware samples based on known families and code-bases, mangled and then used to conduct even more sophisticated attacks. 
Recently, we intercepted a particularly representative attack campaign of this phenomenon.  We found and analyzed a infection chain leveraging the  WSH-RAT kit, a complete Remote Administration tool sold in the underground and frequently abused by criminal actors relying on off-the-shelf kits to build their offensive campaigns.
In this report, we dissect the entire infection chain of the malware in order to investigate the threat capabilities of one of the latest WSH-RAT versions, and how attackers weaponize it to survive the traditional perimetral defences.
The initial stage of the infection chain is weaponized RTF malicious document document having the following static information:

RTF document weaponized with MS-17-12882
Brief Description
WSH RAT dropper
Table 1. Sample information
The exploit used to prepare the document is the “classic” MS-17-11882. It reveals to be also in 2021 one of the most active threats for the users.

Figure 1: Evidence of the exploit MS17-11882
The shellcode of the equation editor downloads the second component of the infection chain from a previously compromised WordPress website. This component is an executable file having the following static information:

Brief Description
WSH RAT .NET packer
Table 1. Sample information

Figure 2: Signature Evidence
This sample ..

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