This is what our summer’s like

This is what our summer’s like

For the second summer straight, we cover the children’s interests during the period when they have enough leisure to give themselves full time to their hobbies. Modern children are active users of the internet, so most of their interests find reflection in their online activities, which are the subject of our today’s review.

Statistics collection principles

Kaspersky Lab products scan the content of web pages children try to access. If the website belongs to one of the fourteen unwelcome categories, the Kaspersky Security Network is alerted (no private user data is sent, so privacy is not compromised). Mark these two important points:

It is up to the parent to decide which content to block by tweaking the protective solution’s preferences. But anonymous statistics are collected for all the 14 categories.

Data is harvested only from computers running Windows and macOS; no mobile statistics are provided in this report.

Website categorization

In the products featuring Parental Control functions web filtering is currently performed across the following categories:

Internet communication media (social networks, messengers, chats and forums)
Adult content
Alcohol, tobacco, narcotics
Weapons, explosives, pyrotechnics