The Ultimate Guide To Web Application Penetration Testing

The Ultimate Guide To Web Application Penetration Testing

A Gartner report suggesting that the global application security expenditure is estimated to increase from US$5 billion in 2022 to US$7.5 billion in 2023 clearly demonstrates how businesses worldwide are more invested than ever to keep their web applications safeguarded against cyber intrusions.

As the defacto face of your company, these applications are typically data-driven client-server software that helps businesses establish a dominant online presence, provide stellar customer service, and achieve a competitive edge over their market rivals. Web apps accomplish this by leveraging the information they collect through the large volume of user interactions with the application.

This is why regularly assessing their cybersecurity posture should be a business’s utmost priority to protect sensitive information such as their users’ personal, medical, and credit card information.

This article aims to provide SMEs that frequently encounter challenges in detecting vulnerabilities and flaws in their web applications with an in-depth guide on penetration testing, how its conducted, and its irrefutable benefits.

Through this informative read, we will walk businesses through a proactive, comprehensive security assessment process that will be instrumental in detecting and mitigating system compromises before cybercriminals can exploit them.

What is Web Application Pentesting

Web apps are programs stored on a remote server and provided to customers through an internet browser’s interface. They are vital for businesses to achieve industry standards, operate efficiently, and enhance customer service. The sensitive data they collect, manage, and stow makes them a favored target amongst cyber criminals looking to achieve a quick payday.

Penetration tests or pen ..

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