The Rise of Continuous Attack Surface Management

In the merry-go-round world of InfoSec technologies and “what’s old is new again,” this year we should include Attack Surface Management with a dash of Continuous.

Twenty years ago, the first commercial “ethical hacking” training courses taught defenders the mystic arts and methodologies of targeted intrusion. Back then, a lengthy opening chapter would cover the ethics of hacking and the legal consequences of employing the skills students were about to learn. It wasn’t until chapter two that students got to roll up their sleeves and learn through doing — beginning with passive information gathering and enumerating the attack surface of a target (typically the student’s own employer).

Any technical CISO and greying SecOps professional worth their salt can recollect their first ethical hacking experience and foray into mapping the attack surface of their business and being both excited and shocked at the long list of security-related findings they had uncovered with their own hands.

Two decades later, as businesses expand upon their digital transformation investments, their internet-exposed surface has grown exponentially and with it so too have the vectors for attack. In an increasingly cloudified world, identifying what business systems are publicly accessible and what confidential insights or vulnerabilities they may expose has risen to critical importance. Ad hoc point-in-time enumerations of an organization’s external attack surface are being superseded by continuous attack surface management (CASM).

Although CASM is a new label, there’s already a mix of several dozen old and new startup companies focused on external attack surface enumeration and public asset attribution — with an array of integration options into existing threat intelligence platforms (TIP), vulnerability assessment management (VAM) systems, cloud security posture management (CSPM) and SIEM solutions. Although diverse in their offerings, vendors can be roughly divided into t ..

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