The next big thing in cloud computing? Shh… It's confidential - Help Net Security

The next big thing in cloud computing? Shh… It's confidential - Help Net Security

The business-driven explosion of demand for cloud-based services has made the need to provide highly secure cloud computing more urgent. Many businesses that work with sensitive data view the transition to the cloud with trepidation, which is not entirely without good reason.

For some time, the public cloud has actually been able to offer more protection than traditional on-site environments. Dedicated expert teams ensure that cloud servers, for example, maintain an optimal security posture against external threats.

But that level of security comes at a price. Those same extended teams increase insider exposure to private data—which leads to a higher risk of an insider data breach and can complicate compliance efforts.

Recent developments in data security technology—in chips, software, and the cloud infrastructure—are changing that. New security capabilities transform the public ..

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