The Fine Art of Protecting Microsoft Office 365 Apps With Multifactor Authentication

The Fine Art of Protecting Microsoft Office 365 Apps With Multifactor Authentication

The initials MFA, as every computer security professional knows, stand for multifactor authentication. The same initials also stand for Master of Fine Arts, and maybe that’s no accident. Protecting your organization’s internal systems and data against intrusion is indeed a fine art. It requires balancing the security needs of the organization against the needs of employees for convenient access to the applications and information they need every day to get their work done.

Set the barriers too low, and the bad guys will find a way in. Make the access process too burdensome, and users get frustrated while productivity suffers. Users have even been known — with no ill intent — to set up shadow IT systems just so they can do their work without having to keep track of passwords. How can organizations strike the right balance between a pleasant user experience and risk-based multifactor authentication?

Improve Microsoft Office 365 Security With MFA

Microsoft Office 365 is one of the most popular application suites in the world. Many thousands of large organizations provide Office 365 apps for new employees and for existing employees to use on new devices. It offers the benefit of keeping applications such as Word, PowerPoint and Excel consistently current with the latest fixes and features all downloaded from the cloud. But with the convenience of the cloud comes the risk of intrusion every time those apps or updates are downloaded. That’s where MFA comes in to help protect businesses against Office 365 security threats.

Before we go any further, what is multifactor authentication? MFA is any process that requires an end user to su ..

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