The Edge Cartoon Caption Contest: Latest Winners, New Toon 'Like a Boss'

The Edge Cartoon Caption Contest: Latest Winners, New Toon 'Like a Boss'
Feeling creative? Submit your caption in the comments, and our panel of experts will reward the winner with a $25 Amazon gift card.

It's that time again. Want to be the first Edge caption contest winner of the decade? Submit your caption for John Klossner's new cartoon (above) in the comments here, and our editors will reward the winner with a $25 Amazon gift card. The contest ends Jan. 31. If you don't want to enter a caption, help us pick a winner by voting on the submissions. Click thumbs-up for those you find funny; thumbs-down, not so. Editorial comments are encouraged and welcomed.

Want to be the first caption contest winner of 2020? Here are the clever wordsmiths you'll have to beat.




First place went to kratiw for the gem of a caption, above: "There's the red team again. Tilting at windmills." 

Second place: "I've heard of using alternative power sources for Disaster Recovery but this is ridiculous." Courtesy of jevans1230, aka Jeff Evans, information security systems officer for Bank OZK.




First place goes to zydog, aka Sy VanderMeulen, Security Engineer, VDA Labs for the caption above, "What do you mean, this is ..

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