The "Art of Cloud War" for Business-Critical Data

How business executives' best intentions may be negatively affecting security and risk mitigation strategies - and exposing weaknesses in organizational defenses.

Those who wish to do your business harm are hearing the famous words by Sun Tzu in the book The Art of War: "Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected." This is the typical philosophy adopted by modern cybercriminals to identify points of weakness and exposure, whether they are in business data centers or in the cloud. But in a move never imagined by Sun Tzu himself, today's defenses may even be circumvented and damaged by business executives themselves.

Historically, enterprises have used application deployment models that required finance, supply chain, and human resources system owners to work hand in hand with security leaders to ensure they can move past the barriers of the corporate firewall. With the introduction of cloud, these same teams are now able to stand up cloud-based platforms in a matter of days or establish cloud infrastructure services with a credit card. These activities can rapidly serve the growing pressures placed on these business executives to meet key deliverables in a timely manner. So, with all the simplicity cloud brings, including low-lift efforts to onboard new services, what is the risk everyone is worried about?

The "Pace Gap" Issue Created by the CloudOracle's recent industry report on cloud threats illustrates the fast-paced efforts by business executives that are creating what is called a "pace gap" between organizations' business-critical services and the security, compliance, and risk programs designed to keep customers and ..

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