Six steps to a robust cyber security strategy - Continuity Central

Published: Tuesday, 15 October 2019 07:47

This October marks the 16th annual Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and this should serve as a reminder that businesses of all sizes need to implement strong cyber security. Graham Marcroft highlights six areas that combine to help create a holistic cyber security strategy.

With most companies on their digital transformation journey, 100 percent uptime is no longer a bonus, but a requirement. So, the construction and implementation of a complete cyber security strategy to ensure this is achievable should be a matter of priority that is engaged with across the entire company.

The first challenge is to actually understand and recognise the urgency of having a robust strategy, and one that is supported by technology that will protect increasingly digitized business operations. If the best cyber security strategy is one that covers all bases, where do you start, and what should it include? Here are my six steps to complete cyber security satisfaction:

1. Understand the necessity

It shouldn’t only be the IT team’s responsibility to ensure all systems and applications across the company are functioning securely. Board-level executives should be attending any discussion around implementing proactive prevention of cyber security vulnerabilities, and treating them as a top business priority.

Security strategies are often considered a large investment with little measurable return. In reality, the actual cost of downtime, repairs and damaged reputation can be catastrophic to a business. All business owners should be looking to ensure that they mitigate the risk of all of these costly failures by being proactive rather than purely reactive with their cyber security strategy.

2. Train your people

Often, the biggest threats and ‘weakest links’, when it comes to online security and data protection in the workplace, come fro ..

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