Rounding up some of the major headlines from RSA

While I one day wish to make it to the RSA Conference in person, I’ve never had the pleasure of making the trek to San Francisco for one of the largest security conferences in the U.S. 

Instead, I had to watch from afar and catch up on the internet every day like the common folk. This at least gives me the advantage of not having my day totally slip away from me on the conference floor, so at least I felt like I didn’t miss much in the way of talks, announcements and buzz. So, I wanted to use this space to recap what I felt like the top stories and trends were coming out of RSA last week.  

Here’s a rundown of some things you may have missed if you weren’t able to stay on top of the things coming out of the conference. 

AI is the talk of the town 

This is unsurprising given how every other tech-focused conference and talk has gone since the start of the year, but everyone had something to say about AI at RSA.  

AI and its associated tools were part of all sorts of product announcements (either to be used as a marketing buzzword or something that is truly adding to the security landscape).  

Cisco’s own Jeetu Patel gave a keynote on how Cisco Sec ..

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