Reflected XSS Through Insecure Dynamic Loading

Reflected XSS Through Insecure Dynamic Loading

ViewGadgets.html was the only page using the getQueryString() function with an argument other than debug. In addition, the resultant value was passed into several other functions that appeared to dynamically load one of several JavaScript files. At this point I started thinking there was a 50/50 chance an exploit could be found and I quickly copied the relevant portions of the source code to a local HTML file to enable further testing. Beginning with the entry point I observed:

$(document).ready(function() {init();});function init() {...var gadgetFileName = getQuerystring(‘gadgetFileName’);loadGadget(gadgetFileName);}

Using my local copy of the source, I loaded the page with the query parameter ?gadgetFileName=test and began debugging the script to understand the full flow.

Using the debugger and breakpoints to understand the script execution.

Breaking it down, the init() function includes a call to var gadgetFileName = getQuerystring(‘gadgetFileName’); which parses the query string parameters for a parameter named gadgetFileName. The getQueryString() function ultimately returns the raw query string input which is controlled by the attacker and thus should be considered untrusted and subsequently sanitized. In this case, this unsanitized input is then passed to loadGadget() which is shown below in its entirety along with a few inline comments I've generated to explain the code:

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