Rapid7 Announces Improvements to Goals and SLAs in InsightVM

Rapid7 Announces Improvements to Goals and SLAs in InsightVM

We know that proving the efficacy of your vulnerability management program is no easy task. But with the Goals and SLAs feature in InsightVM, you can ensure you’re making (and tracking) progress toward your goals and service-level agreements (SLAs) at an appropriate place, as well as maintaining compliance with the standards you’ve set for your program.

We’re excited to announce that creating a goal or SLA in InsightVM just became a lot simpler. Instead of following a four-step process, we’ve gotten it down to three: use, sort, and define your data, establish the conditions you want to meet, and save your goal using our three-step wizard.

We have also removed the need to choose among SLAs, time-bound, or continuous goal types. Instead, you simply create a goal with your parameters, then the wizard will automatically set the goal type based on your configuration. You can set a goal to track remediation efforts or configure assets.

If you’re not exactly sure what specific goal you want to create, recommended goals are now more easily discoverable in the UI (see screenshot below!).

What are some use cases for Goals and SLAs?

For more information, please check out our updated help documentation on creating a goal or SLA.


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rapid7 announces improvements goals insightvm