Ransomware Attackers Using SystemBC Malware With RAT and Tor Proxy

Ransomware Attackers Using SystemBC Malware With RAT and Tor Proxy

Cybercriminals are increasingly outsourcing the task of deploying ransomware to affiliates using commodity malware and attack tools, according to new research.

In a new analysis published by Sophos today and shared with The Hacker News, recent deployments of Ryuk and Egregor ransomware have involved the use of SystemBC backdoor to laterally move across the network and fetch additional payloads for further exploitation.

Affiliates are typically threat actors responsible for gaining an initial foothold in a target network.

"SystemBC is a regular part of recent ransomware attackers' toolkits," said Sophos senior threat researcher and former Ars Technica national security editor Sean Gallagher.

"The backdoor can be used in combination with other scripts and malware to perform discovery, exfiltration and lateral movement in an automated way across multiple targets. These SystemBC capabilities were originally intended for mass exploitation, but they have now been folded into the toolkit for targeted attacks — including ransomware."

First documented by Proofpoint in August 2019, SystemBC is a proxy malware that leverages SOCKS5 internet protocol to mask traffic to command-and-control (C2) servers and download the DanaBot banking Trojan.

ransomware attackers using systembc malware proxy