Pushing Open-Source Security Forward: Insights From Black Hat 2022

Pushing Open-Source Security Forward: Insights From Black Hat 2022

Open-source security has been a hot topic in recent years, and it's proven to be something of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, there's an understanding of the potential that open-source tools hold for democratizing security, making industry best practices accessible to more organizations and helping keep everyone's data better protected from attackers. On the other hand, open-source codebases have been the subject of some of the most serious and high-impact vulnerabilities we've seen over the past 12 months, namely Log4Shell and Spring4Shell.

While the feeling around open-source understandably wavers between excitement and trepidation, one thing is for sure: Open-source frameworks are here to stay, and it's up to us to ensure they deliver on their potential and at the same time remain secure.

The future of open-source was common theme at Black Hat 2022, and two members of the Rapid7 research team — Lead Security Research Spencer McIntyre and Principal Security Researcher Curt Barnard — shined a light on the work they've been doing to improve and innovate with open-source tools. Here's a look at their presentations from Black Hat, and how their efforts are helping push open-source security forward.

A more powerful Metasploit

Spencer, whose work focuses primarily on Rapid7's widely used attacker emulation and penetration testing tool Metasploit, shared the latest and greatest improvements he and the broader team have made to the open-source framework in the past year. The upgrades they've made reflect a reality that security pros acro ..

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