Protect Your Home This Cybersecurity Awareness Month | Avast

Protect Your Home This Cybersecurity Awareness Month | Avast
Emma McGowan, 2 October 2020

Use these simple steps to create a safer digital home environment, all year round

October might be most famous for cooling weather and spooky nights, but did you know it’s also Cybersecurity Awareness Month? And this year, with the Covid-19 pandemic pushing more and more of our activities online, it’s especially important to be aware of how protected we really are — and where we could be doing a better job.
In the United States, the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) is recognizing National Cybersecurity Month with the campaign “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.” They’re encouraging all Americans to take proactive steps toward better personal cybersecurity. 
Europe is also recognizing Cybersecurity Month, with their own social media campaigns, online activities, and resources for anyone interested in getting involved this October. (And, as an added bonus, the European materials are in multiple languages, so you can reach your people no matter where they are.)
We wanted to get you started on some simple steps you can take to follow the NCSA’s other slogan for this month: “If You Connect It, Protect It.” Because so many people are currently either unemployed or working from home, we decided to focus on the home front this year. Here are three simple steps you can take to get started protecting your digital home during this year’s Cybersecurity Month.
1. Secure your Wi-Fi router
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