Prioritizing Security in a Remote Learning Environment 

Prioritizing Security in a Remote Learning Environment 

Prioritizing Security in a Remote Learning Environment 

Learning environments are not what they used to be, and as educational institutions deploy new technology to facilitate a safe and effective remote learning environment, their cyber vulnerabilities also increase. Canadian schools especially have seen a rise in ransomware attacks with the transition to online learning, opening the door for hackers to exploit student data and sabotage academic research. To combat the rising cybersecurity concerns, educators need to implement new measures to uphold secure and efficient distance learning environments without allowing student data and privacy to hang in the balance.

Why Education Has a Target on Its Back

Limiting disruptions remains a high priority for educators as they discover how to manage their remote classrooms. Although many teachers are familiar with supplemental technologies such as tablets and online programs, it’s another matter entirely to be completely dependent on them to support a fully virtual classroom.  When investing in online learning tools, educational institutions should not allow their concern for efficiency to overshadow an equally important requirement: safety.

The education sector has seen its fair share of cybersecurity attacks since the widespread shift to remote classrooms. According to Microsoft, the global education industry has the most malware attacks, even more than prominent industries such as business, finance, and healthcare. K-12 schools especially have experienced an uptick in ransomware and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS).  Many prioritizing security remote learning environment