Open-Source Command and Control of the DOUBLEPULSAR Implant

Open-Source Command and Control of the DOUBLEPULSAR Implant

Metasploit’s Development Diaries series sheds light on how Rapid7’s offensive research team analyzes vulnerabilities as candidates for inclusion in Metasploit Framework—in other words, how a vulnerability makes it through rigorous open-source committee to become a full-fledged Metasploit module.You can find previous Metasploit development diaries here and here. This quarter, we're going in a slightly different direction and detailing a path to remote code execution not in public-use hardware or software, but in a backdoor widely attributed to the NSA.

Metasploit's research team recently added a module to Framework that executes a Metasploit payload against the Equation Group's DOUBLEPULSAR implant for SMB. The DOUBLEPULSAR RCE module allows users to remotely disable the implant, which puts it in the rare (though not unique) category of Metasploit modules that have specific incident response utility in addition to offensive value.


With RDP vulnerabilities being all the rage these days, I decided to revisit an unfinished idea I had when SMB vulnerabilities were still in vogue.

If infosec can rewind its memory two years ago, the Shadow Brokers leaked the so-called Equation Group's toolkit for Windows exploitation. Perhaps the most damaging code in that release was ETERNALBLUE, an SMB remote root exploit against a vast range of Windows versions. The code would quickly make its way into the WannaCry worm
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