Odd computer behaviors...I might have a virus or malware

Odd computer behaviors...I might have a virus or malware


I am having several computer issues and I believe that I may have infected my computer.

I recently tried doing online "side hustles" with websites like "Rev.com", "Scribie.com" and "Swagbucks.com" and after signing up with Swagbucks, this was when I immediately noticed some performance changes. After filling out several surveys for an hour or two, my computer was incredibly slow and not the most responsive.

So, to be on the safe side, I opted to perform a full computer reset on my computer. Although, not thinking at the time, I chose to have my computer download and install Windows 10 from online. I'm not sure if that was the smart way to go.

After doing this, my computer did a very basic Windows 10 setup that to my surprise had subtitles and "Cortana" talking me through the setup configuration...(my USB headphones were plugged in at the time)

But it hasn't walked me through setting up a Windows 10 password for my computer. Instead, it has me enter in my Microsoft account which isn't registering when I enter the information in.

When I press the "X" button on that login screen it sends me to my desktop screen.

For some reason, the only way to get logged into my computer, is to have my modem/router online. I cannot log onto my desktop if my computer is offline.

There was at least one moment where my desktop looked kind of like static for a second or two, and then went into focus.

In the bottom right screen, when I clicked the "Notifications" icon, there was a prompt that came up and said the following message (which contains a spelling error ..

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