Norton Consumer Cyber Safety Pulse Report: Phishing for New Bait on Social Media - DARKReading

Norton Consumer Cyber Safety Pulse Report: Phishing for New Bait on Social Media - DARKReading

TEMPE, Ariz., July 26, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- NortonLifeLock's global research team, Norton Labs, today published its quarterly Consumer Cyber Safety Pulse Report, detailing the top consumer cybersecurity insights and takeaways from April through June 2022. Leveraging the company's global threat telemetry, the analysis includes new findings on how cybercriminals are using social media phishing attacks to steal people's private information.

Norton Labs analyzed a full year of phishing attacks on the top social media platforms, and while plenty of fake login pages designed to trick victims into inputting their login credentials were found, the diversity and complexity of lures went far beyond that one technique.

"Threat actors use social media for phishing attacks because it's a low-effort and high return way to target billions of people around the world," said Darren Shou, head of technology, NortonLifeLock. "As social media is intertwined in our daily lives, it's key to know how to spot the signs of a scam, and keep a sharp eye on where requests for your information are coming from. Even better, consider strong, multi-layered security that can be on the lookout for you."

Norton Labs uncovered the top tactics cybercriminals use to get victims to reveal personal information, and while classic login phishing pages are still the most common ploy, cybercriminals are finding new ways to deceive social media users. Tactics include account lockouts – making it se ..

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