NIST Metric Kitchen: Educational Website Launched

NIST Metric Kitchen: Educational Website Launched

Credit: NIST

The NIST Office of Weights and Measures (OWM) Metric Program invites you to see what’s cooking in the NIST Metric Kitchen, a new educational website that includes a recipe gallery and culinary measurement guidance. Special Publication (SP) 1290, NIST Metric Recipes, was developed for both new and experienced chefs interested in building experience using a kitchen scale to measure ingredients in grams and K-12 educators that teach cooking techniques and related life skills topics in the classroom.

Credit: Adobe Stock

Preparing a metric system-based recipe is an opportunity to apply culinary math, expand measurement skills, interpret instructions, complete steps in a necessary sequence, troubleshoot, build self-confidence, and enjoy the delicious results! Cooking and baking are ideal for teaching Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) as well as measurement sense making. For young chefs, these hands-on activities offer an opportunity to refine fine motor skills and coordination, practice selecting appropriate cooking tools, opening containers, mixing, pouring without spilling, counting, weighing, as well as reading and interpreting a digital scale readout or oven thermometer. For advanced chefs, customizing recipes and purposeful tinkering are chances to further explore the science that underpin culinary arts.

Recent NIST OWM Montgomery College Professional Research Experience Program (PREP) interns have contributed to all NIST Metric Kitchen developmental stages, including recipe creation, publication design, companion video production, and website deployment.

Baking Banana Bread Using the Metric System

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