Worried about cyber pirates hijacking autonomous ships? Focus on port cybersecurity first - Help Net Security

Worried about cyber pirates hijacking autonomous ships? Focus on port cybersecurity first - Help Net Security

On average, the U.S. Coast Guard issues between ten and twenty safety alerts annually. Alerts tend to function more as a public service announcement designed to raise awareness of common hazards and risks and serve to remind Coasties of best practices. But one safety alert issued July 8 caught the attention of the broader maritime industry – from the U.S. Navy to multinational shipping companies to shipbuilders.

The alert documented an incident in February where a deep draft vessel on an international voyage sailed into the Port of New York and New Jersey with its shipboard network impaired from an active cyberattack. The team of cyber experts who responded to the incident found that “although the malware significantly degraded the functionality of the onboard computer system, essential vessel control systems had ..

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