With iOS's Privacy Nutrition Label, Apple Upstages Regulators

With iOS's Privacy Nutrition Label, Apple Upstages Regulators
New iOS privacy features require developers to disclose what data they're collecting, how they're using it, and with whom they share it.

In 2012, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) convened a series of meetings that were intended to develop a legally enforceable code of conduct to provide transparency in how companies providing applications and interactive services for mobile devices handle personal information. This multistakeholder process sought input from companies, researchers, advocates, trade groups, and the like.

One of the initial proposals for a code of conduct came from a group of Carnegie Mellon researchers at the Cylab Usable Privacy and Security Lab and a security researcher at Microsoft, who had released a paper in 2009 that promoted the idea of a "privacy nutrition label" as a de facto standard to be used by all app developers.

The process ended in the spring of 2013 with a group of think tanks, trade organizations, advocates, and companies signing on to the finalized code of conduct (including the Future of Privacy Forum). But in the long run, this went nowhere. A voluntary code of conduct that was meant for app developers to leverage as a means to provide transparency through short form notices in their mobile apps was barely touched upon by the app developer community.

Almost seven years later, Apple has achieved what we could not: A privacy nutrition label. The company announced at its 2020 WWDC last month new iOS privacy features requiring app developers on their platform to disclose in clear language what data they ..

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