Why Should Tech Businesses Prioritise Occupational Health?    

Statistics show that the risks of occupational injuries in the tech sector are lower compared to other industries. A tech career doesn’t sound like something that poses significant risks. So, the question is, should tech businesses be concerned about employees’ health and safety? 

The simple answer is yes! Even if the risks are lower, that doesn’t mean they don’t exist at all. Providing a safe work environment is not only beneficial for the employees’ wellbeing but also a legal obligation – and no business is an exception from the rule.

 More often than not, safety is an afterthought in the tech sector. However, it’s worth mentioning that individuals working in this industry are not invulnerable to injuries. Therefore, businesses operating in the tech sector should prioritise occupational health, just like any other company. Regardless of the industry, employees are an invaluable asset, and it is paramount to ensure they are healthy and fulfilled. 




What are the most common injuries in the tech sector?

While some jobs may be much more hazardous, the tech sector involves its own level of risk. Even if you spend most of your work time attending meetings or writing code, this doesn’t mean you are entirely safe. Injuries can occur unexpectedly – for instance, you could trip and get injured while going to the kitchen to get some coffee. The most common injuries in the tech sector are:

Slips, trips and falls

This type of injury is common in every work environment. While they may sound harmless, slips, trips and falls can lead to severe consequen ..

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