What Does Summer Vacation Have to do With Information Security?

There is something magical about children and summer vacation.  As adults, we sometimes get so caught up in day-to-day life that we forget about this magic that we once experienced.  That is, until we let ourselves experience it together with children. Only then can we view the magic of summer through adult eyes and learn the important lessons this experience teaches us.

What does summer vacation have to do with information security? More than you might initially realize. In this piece, I will discuss some of the connections between our profession and those magical childhood days.

● Fun, but not at the expense of safety: Children on summer break want to have fun all day, every day.  As adults, we understand something that we may not have understood as children: safety comes first.  In security, a similar rule holds. The business needs to operate efficiently and effectively, but not at the expense of the sensitive, confidential, and proprietary data of customers, employees, and other stakeholders. The success of the business is paramount, but it needs to happen in a safe and secure manner.  As security professionals, we can learn and appreciate the goals and priorities of the business.  From there, we can ensure we work collaboratively with the business to help it operate securely and keep unnecessary risk to a minimum. That makes security a partner to the business, rather than an adversary.

● Insurance is important:  As children, we may not have understood that the facilities we frequented and enjoyed were insured.  As adults it seems obvious that this was the case - in the event that something harmful occurred to someone, both business and customer needed to ensure that they were protected.  Along these lines, cyber insurance has become ever more commonplace, whether we believe in i ..

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