Weekly Threat Report 15th May 2020

New survey highlights the state of remote working in the UK

A survey of 2,000 UK SME employees working from home in April has found that only 9% had checked whether their antivirus software had been updated.The findings from Avast Business also discovered that 18% are working from unprotected devices, and only 26% have access to IT support from their employer.Increased remote working means more workers are using video conferencing tools to replace office meetings. Despite this, the survey found that only 23% of employees had received guidance on how to use platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams securely.

Last month, the NCSC and the CISA warned in a joint advisory that both APT groups and cyber criminals are likely to attack newly deployed remote access or remote working infrastructure in efforts to exploit the coronavirus pandemic.The NCSC’s home working guidance for organisations and staff offers support to those working remotely.We’ve also published other useful advice on:

Video conferencing services: security guidance for organisations
Phishing attacks: defending your organisation
Phishing: how to report to the NCSC

Cyber attacks target organisations supporting COVID-19 response

This week media reported that organisations involved in constructing emergency hospitals during the coronavirus pandemic have been hit by cyber attacks. You can read Interserve's latest statement here.

Construction is one of a range of sectors working on the coronavirus response which the NCSC is committed to supporting. Whilst these attacks aren’t linked, in conjunction with partners in the US, the NCSC recently exposed malicious cyber campaigns targeting organisations involved in the response to the pandemic – and provided tips to stay safe.Organisations of all sizes are encouraged to plan, build, develop and maintain an effective cyber incident response capability. We’ve previously published guidance on how to detect, respond to and resolve cyber incidents.

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