Trustwave Security Colony delivers resources, playbooks and expertise to bolster security posture - Help Net Security

Trustwave expanded the reach of its unique cybersecurity collaboration platform, which leverages sourced knowledge from a global community of organizations to help others solve pressing cybersecurity challenges, beyond its birthplace of Australia.

Through Trustwave Security Colony, organizations gain access to a wealth of resources – best practices from real-world consulting initiatives, risk assessment tools and guidance from high-level security experts – to bolster their security postures.

“The attack surface along with regulatory responsibilities on how data is protected continues to evolve to a point where no single company has all the right answers when it comes to cybersecurity security,” said Rob Stitch, senior vice president of consulting and professional services at Trustwave.

“By sharing successful roadmaps, security frameworks and providing meaningful peer communications, Trustwave Security Colony harnesses the power of the collective to help solve security issues org ..

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