Tips for Small Business Owners | Avast

Tips for Small Business Owners | Avast
Avast Business Team, 14 April 2020

In the midst of COVID-19, use these tips to keep your business up and running while you’re working from home.

Many business owners have recently found themselves working from home, perhaps for the first time in their professional lives. In fact, 90% of Americans are currently subject to stay-at-home orders. At home, these individuals face new challenges. They are forced to grapple with long periods of indoor confinement, find time to educate and entertain their kids, and somehow keep their businesses running.
These challenges also offer some unique opportunities, from spending more time with our families to reevaluating the ways that we work. In this article, we’ll explore some ways to get ahead while working from home - and maintain your sanity.
It’s all about organization
While the scenery may have changed, the formula for being a successful business owner remains the same. It is essential that you stay organized by structuring your days to resemble your typical workday as much as possible. For instance, if you are typically more productive in the mornings, plan to start your day early while working from home. 
However, temporary changes in familial responsibilities may make this impractical. It’s important to spend time creating a schedule. Use a planner. Set aside blocks of time each day that will be dedicated solely to work. Do this at the beginning of each week and make changes based on your experiences from the previous week.
Create daily to-do lists to ensure that you are making the best use of your working hours. Knock out the m ..

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