The One-Two Punch of Frictionless Network Defense

The One-Two Punch of Frictionless Network Defense

The One-Two Punch of Frictionless Network Defense 

By Martin Roesch At Netography, when we set out to change the way network security is done in order to protect enterprise networks as they exist today, we felt strongly that one of the primary capabilities our new architecture and approach had to enable was frictionless network defense. The environment defenders operate in has changed dramatically, and many security teams have reached the point where they need a better way to quickly see and understand what has happened and what it has happened to in order to take action. 

Frictionless network defense allows customers to quickly gain real-time awareness of behavior on their network and also operationalize alerts to accelerate response. It’s the one-two punch defenders of modern enterprise networks need right now to mitigate risk. Here’s how it works:

  • Frictionless deployment

  • There are two aspects to the frictionless nature of our Netography Fusion® cloud-native Network Defense Platform (NDP) in terms of deployment. There are intrinsic aspects inherent in our “live off the land” approach. Because Netography Fusion leverages metadata from existing network infrastructure, there are no appliances, sensors, or agents that you have to deploy to make the platform operate. There are also extrinsic functions prevalent in the on-prem world that you don’t have to deploy when you have Netography Fusion. The additional, external supporting infrastructure typically required to make legacy network security technologies work, like taps, aggregators, or decryptors, are no longer needed. 

    To get started with Netography Fusion, simply point your data sources to our cloud ingest capability, and you can get visibility where and when you need it immediately. As your environment is extended or changes, you can provision in lockstep. There’s no need to deplo ..

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