The Best Hardware From The 1980s | Avast

The Best Hardware From The 1980s | Avast
Katie Chadd, 1 September 2020

Here's just how much computing has changed in the past 40 years

For younger generations, it is hard to imagine a world without paper-thin iPads and phones that double as cameras and computers. But back in the 1980s, laptops and mobile phones were state-of-the-art technologies reserved only for the wealthy or young, modern businesses. In this article, we invite you on a trip down memory lane to remember the incredible advancements that, just a few decades ago, helped to usher in a new technological era.

Changes in computer hardware
Before major developments in the size and cost of computer hardware in the past few decades, computers were mainly seen as exclusive to universities, big businesses, and government agencies. The 1980s changed this drastically - in ten short years, computers were made accessible to a wider audience and were used for a variety of purposes in homes, schools, and workplaces across the globe.
The invention of the microprocessor chip in the 1970s helped lead the way for the development of home computers in the 1980s. Before this, in the 1960s, circuit boards and off-line equipment, such as punch cards, were usually required to operate computers, making them extremely expensive and space-consuming.
Microprocessors not only made computers much easier to produce, but they also allowed them to be significantly smaller in size, meaning they became a great deal more affordable and home-friendly. 
Motherboards developed rapidly in the 1980s due to the changes to microprocessors and similar technological developments. In the late 1980s, PC motherboards began to include single Super I/O chips that could support the i ..

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