The 10 most alarming cyberattacks of 2015

The 10 most alarming cyberattacks of 2015

Neither personal information nor fingerprints have been safe from cybercriminals in the past year and, as the year comes to a close, one thing is for sure – the more devices that we have, the more security we need.

Throughout the course of the year, cybercriminals have shown that they are capable of discovering and, taking advantage of, any vulnerability possible in order to get their hands on our data or to control our devices. Below is a roundup of the most damaging and alarming of these attacks.

Fingerprint theft

If fingerprints are seen as one of the most secure methods of biometric security (they are the current method of unblocking iPhones), the theft of information belonging to US government employees showed that there are serious things to consider with the system.

Last June, a group of cybercriminals managed to obtain the fingerprints of nearly six million federal workers, which could put not only their mobile phones in danger, but even the security of the country.

Remote control of smart cars

Another of the big challenges facing cybersecurity is the issue of smart cars. Until there is a solution, these cars will continue to be vulnerable to manipulation. Last summer, two hackers showed that it was possible to take advantage of errors in the computer system onboard a Jeep Cherokee and took control of the car, even managing to apply the brakes on the vehicle, all carried out remotely.

Thousands of compromised Android devices

Not all of the vulnerabilities in the world of ..

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