Smart Life For Your Customers’ While WFH | Avast

Smart Life For Your Customers’ While WFH | Avast
Leena Elias, 20 May 2020

Learn how Avast Smart Life can improve your customers’ WFH life

Today, countries around the world are fighting an unprecedented health and economic crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has put strain on people from all walks of life. We would like to preface this article with our sympathies towards those affected, and we are deeply committed to supporting communities around the world that are impacted by the pandemic. Learn more about our commitment
For companies that are fortunate to have the ability to continue operations remotely, their employees are adapting to their new home offices. Employees are trying to find routine and rhythm in their new environment. As work and play hours blend together and bleed into all hours of the day, employees (and managers) seek a healthy balance between work and play, especially true for those with children at home.
No one can accurately predict when corporate life will go back to normal. Until then, home offices will prevail and WFH employees will have to continue adapting to this new normal. Smart Life can help build better digital habits for adults and children alike, while ensuring security of home networks and its connected devices. 
As work life resumes from the home network, there is added corporate risk for lost or stolen files. Home networks are filled with vulnerabilities both at the router level and in typical household connected devices. Despite end-point security solutions for corporate devices, hackers can initiate an attack through another vulnerable device on the smart customers while avast