Sanctions-hit Russian developers fingered for crafting 'Monokle' Android snoopware

Sanctions-hit Russian developers fingered for crafting 'Monokle' Android snoopware

Group connected to election meddling now selling spy tools

A Russian software developer, currently under American sanctions for its purported role in the Kremlin's interference with the 2016 US elections, is now selling spyware to governments.

Researchers at security house Lookout today reported [PDF] that St Petersburg-based Special Technology Centre (STC) is developing and maintaining a commercial spyware tool known as Monokle.

STC was among the Russian businesses hit last year with US economic sanctions for their supporting role in the GRU's election-meddling efforts. The Russian tech firm is said to have its hands in a number of fields, including UAVs, radio equipment and, now, surveillance software.

Monokle targets Android devices ..

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