Retoken Announces Plans to Revolutionize Business Referral Systems

Retoken Announces Plans to Revolutionize Business Referral Systems
Retoken has unveiled its plans to revolutionize how businesses and individuals benefit from the manufacturer-buyer process. Using incentives, Retoken will attract sellers and consumers working in the market to promote your products and services. CEO of Retoken, Sanan Hasanov, said: “In order to bring measured results to these person-to-person recommendations, we decided to create Retoken. Retoken is a referral bonus system that motivates customers to recommend the products and services they use in their daily life and to get Retoken bonuses for that. This model is not new but by applying blockchain technology, we’ve made it automated, measurable, transparent, and with a limited number of Retokens, we made it profitable.” How the Referral System Works Retoken eliminates the uncertainty associated with unsynchronized bonus incentives through an automated decentralized platform that connects manufacturers and producers with buyers and consumers. Using the Retoken console, manufacturers can implement global, national, or local bonus programs. These can be linked with real business cases, systemizing the process. Buyers and sellers can participate in these bonus programs seamlessly and enjoy the be ..

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