Remote Access Makes a Comeback: 4 Security Challenges in the Wake of COVID-19

Remote Access Makes a Comeback: 4 Security Challenges in the Wake of COVID-19
As companies continue to support increasing numbers of work-from-home employees, the pressure to secure access and reduce risk has never been greater.

For more than two decades, enterprises have relied on VPN technologies to enable remote access to corporate applications and data. In recent years, these technologies have diminished in importance as more businesses transition to cloud-based applications and users are less dependent on access to the corporate network. Yet with enterprises forced to support a sudden surge in remote work during the coronavirus outbreak, remote access technologies have quickly made a comeback as a critical component of the enterprise technology stack.

VPNs remain popular for enterprises to connect remote users to corporate resources. Yet many organizations don't have the capacity and licenses to enable all employees for remote work during critical events such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, always-on VPNs are being used for all of a user's connections and resource consumption, even when some users only need access to cloud-based applications and data. This often results in performance degradation, which leads to users seeking ways to bypass security and instead access applications directly.

As companies support more work-from-home employees, security teams must have the right technology in place to avoid poor performance and ensure secure access. Here are four ways that security and risk management leaders can address today's COVID-19 remote work challenges.

Challenge 1: Choose the Right Remote Access ProductVPN is not the only technology that can be used to enable remote access. Solutions such as a cloud access security broker (CASB) or zero-trust network access (ZTNA) technology can also be used for secure remote connections if the user needs access to software-as-a-service applications. These types of products offer ..

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