Protecting Yourself on Post-Pandemic Vacation | Avast

Protecting Yourself on Post-Pandemic Vacation | Avast
Grace Roberts, 22 July 2020

Identity thieves target vacationers, but here’s how you can avoid them entirely

Finally, certain parts of the world have successfully flattened the curve and can open up their cities and economies again. After about 100 days of lockdown measures, just about everyone is suffering from cabin fever and aching for a change of scenery (this writer included!). But before we don our sunglasses, jump in the car, crank the music, and head off for adventure, we should first take a few precautionary measures to ensure we enjoy our time away sans stress. Identity theft is still a very real threat, and it’s especially dangerous to travelers. Tourist attractions and heavily trafficked areas are the cybercriminal’s favorite playground. In their eyes, there’s no better target than a stranger who can be easily fooled because they don’t know the lay of the land (or, more specifically, the lay of the Wi-Fi networks). 
But follow these 6 cybersecurity traveling tips, and you’ll be blocking bad actors before they even have a chance to target you.
Let your bank know your travel dates and destinations. This is the first thing you should do, and it’s mostly for headache prevention. You’ll save yourself the inconvenience of having transactions declined for being “out of area,” and it lets the bank know where you are in case someone else is trying to use your card numbers back at home. 
Scan all your ID documents – passports, driver’s licenses, social security cards, even your boarding passes. Email them to yourself so you have a digital copy, and then email them to a trusted friend or family member not traveling with you, ju ..

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