Pro-Iranian Hacktivists Set Sights on Israeli Industrial Control Systems

Pro-Iranian Hacktivists Set Sights on Israeli Industrial Control Systems

The hacktivist group SiegedSec has claimed responsibility for attacks against Israeli industry control systems and other infrastructure, however, there is no evidence of attacks on the listed IP addresses. SecurityScorecard’s Threat Research, Intelligence, Knowledge and Engagement (STRIKE) Team found a list where the hacking group listed its alleged Israeli ICS targets.

SiegedSec claims it conducted a series of denial of service attacks against ICS devices and other Israeli infrastructure with pro-Iranian hacktivist group Anonymous Sudan. The targets included building automation and control networks, global navigation satellite system receivers and Modbus ICS, a communication protocol for industrial electronic devices. However, a sample of NetFlow data indicate that the listed IP addresses had not experienced volumes of traffic that would be consistent with a DoS attack. The result of this data is that either SiegedSec’s attacks were unsuccessful or they have not yet begun. There is concern that the DoS attacks were unsuccessful but the list of targets could have been a call to act for other attackers to take advantage of the same targets.

Read More: Pro-Iranian Hacktivists Set Sights on Israeli Industrial Control Systems

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