OpenAI Fired Sam Altman To Stop Him From Releasing Human-Threatening AI Model, Report

OpenAI Fired Sam Altman To Stop Him From Releasing Human-Threatening AI Model, Report

A new report has shed some light on the reason for OpenAI CEO Sam Altman's sacking last week.

Altman joined Microsoft after being ousted from OpenAI. The OpenAI board recently reversed its decision and Altman has been reinstated as CEO. However, it is still unclear why he was removed from the CEO role.

In its official statement, OpenAI attributed Altman's dismissal to his lack of transparent communication with the company.

The real reason for Sam Altman's firing

However, a report from an anonymous OpenAI employee implies the company was on the verge of developing an artificial general intelligence (AGI) model codenamed Q* that could threaten humanity.

OpenAI could have decided to deploy Q* quickly due to Altman's aggressive approach when it comes to releasing new features. However, some employees believed the model could turn out to be a dangerous threat to humans. This could be the real reason for Altman's dismissal.

What is Q*?

An anonymous OpenAI employee got in touch with Reuters to explain the real situation at OpenAI. According to the source, Q*(pronounced as Q-Star) is a major breakthrough in OpenAI's research for AGI.

It is worth noting that AGI is more powerful than AI, which is capable of learning through data provided to the model. Aside from solving complex problems, AGI can generalise information and has a human-like ability to learn from its mistakes.

The source claims OpenAI had almost developed Q*. It looked like this AGI could effortlessly surpass humans in economically valuable tasks. Understandably, Q* was being considered as a ..

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