NordVPN quietly plugged vuln where an HTTP POST request without authentication would return detailed customer data

NordVPN quietly plugged vuln where an HTTP POST request without authentication would return detailed customer data

Fiddle with some numbers and voila

A vulnerability in NordVPN's payments platform allowed anyone to view users' payment information and email addresses, a startling HackerOne entry has revealed.

By simply sending an HTTP POST request without any authentication at all to one could read off users' email addresses, payment method and URL, currency, amount paid and even which product they bought.

The patched flaw was made public in early February on the HackerOne bug bounty platform and was forwarded to The Register by concerned reader Matt, who told us: "Note that this is regardless of whether the users had set strong passwords and otherwise wouldn't be vulnerable to credential-stuffing attacks."

When sending a straightforward HTTP POST request to the insecure API, the researcher who found the vuln received this string back:

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