No Prison for British Cyber Expert in Malware Case

A British cybersecurity expert who admitted writing and selling malware was spared prison Friday by a judge who said the misconduct was outweighed by his help in stopping a worldwide computer virus in 2017.

Marcus Hutchins, who was hailed as a hero for his role in stopping the "WannaCry" virus, was sentenced to time served by U.S. District Judge J.P. Stadtmueller. The judge noted Hutchins had pleaded guilty in May and accepted responsibility for his past actions.

"Mr. Hutchins turned the corner with regard to the conduct that led to these charges," Stadtmueller said.

Hutchins, 25, served just a few days in jail after being arrested in Las Vegas in 2017, but had been required to stay in the U.S. while his case was pending.

Hutchins spoke briefly Friday, apologizing to his victims.

"I deeply regret my conduct and the crimes in which I was involved." Later in his statement he said: "My plan is to continue my work in security but if possible I would like to dedicate more time to teaching the next generation of security experts."

His attorney said afterward he intended to return to Great Britain. But during the hearing, Stadtmueller reminded him that his conviction in the case would make it difficult to return to the U.S., unless he gets a waiver or a pardon, because the crimes he pleaded guilty to are deportable offenses. His attorneys say they'll pursue a pardon from the federal government.

In a tweet after the hearing, Hutchins said he hopes he's able to return to the U.S. someday.

FBI agents had been investigating Hutchins for years before his arrest. Less than two ..

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