Which Countries Store The Most Photos? | Avast

Which Countries Store The Most Photos? | Avast
Sandro Villinger, 2 October 2019

Research from nearly 3 billion photos shows how many pictures we store on average, which country stores the most, and the number of photos stored by age group.

Twenty years ago, people mostly took photos that were carefully timed and staged. Today, with gigabytes of storage on our phones, we snap continuously and without worry. Since they cost nothing and we can always delete the bad ones later, we tend not to care how many photos we save on our phones, even if they’re bad or duplicates. But simple truth aside, at Avast, we couldn’t help but wonder: How many bad photos do we actually take – and what happens if we don’t delete them?
We had a few more questions, too: Which countries store the most low-quality pictures? And for those of us that don’t immediately delete the terrible shots ... how much space on our smartphones are we wasting? In this and a subsequent blog post, we’ll look at the photography habits of users around the world to answer all of the aforementioned questions – and then some. Let’s dive in.  
Using aggregated, anonymized data from December 2018 to June 2019, Avast conducted a global study of nearly 3 billion photos from over 6 million users of the Avast Cleanup for Android photo-cleaner feature. Among other things, Avast Cleanup for Android analyzes how many photos you have stored and makes suggestions on how you can free up space by deleting low-quality photos and duplicate shots. We also analyzed the data to see variations along a series of attributes like gender and location ..

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